by eric | Nov 30, 2020 | Complete Employee Screening, Drug Testing, In the News, Industry News
Workplace injuries can cause major issues for employers. The ability to conduct business safely within the workplace is vital for a company to succeed. With that said, every year, there are over four million injuries within the workplace. These range from minor cuts...
by eric | Nov 30, 2020 | Complete Employee Screening, Drug Testing, In the News, Industry News, Uncategorized
Marijuana use is way up, growing in popularity as it is being legalized in states across the country. The United Nations drug and crime group estimates that there are around 200 million people who used some form of marijuana in the last year. Medicinal and...
by mallred | Oct 19, 2019 | Complete Employee Screening, Drug Testing, In the News
College students’ use of marijuana in 2018 was at the highest level seen in the past three-and-a-half decades according to a study by the University of Michigan’s annual national Monitoring the Future Panel study. Vaping and nicotine also doubled between...
by mallred | Oct 4, 2019 | Complete Employee Screening, Drug Testing, Industry News
Working in the drug testing industry, we get a lot of the same questions concerning different drugs, rules, regulations, and screening policies. Quest Diagnostics, one of our laboratory and clinic partners, recently published some answers to their frequently asked...
by mallred | Sep 19, 2019 | Complete Employee Screening, Drug Testing, Industry News
CBD oil has been rapidly growing in popularity across the country as a cure-all for everything from headaches to anxiety to cancer. CBD or cannabidiol is generally believed to the be active “medical” ingredient in cannabis and is one of over 500 chemicals...