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3 Steps to Create an Employee Screening Policy
Every successful small business owner (SBO) knows what it means to work hard. Early mornings, late nights, missed soccer games; the list goes on. One thing SBOs will always agree on is that time is expensive. Every minute needs to be productive, while lost...

Automate Adverse Action Letters!!(and keep the FCRA off your back)
Adverse action letters are a pain in the neck, but they represent a CRITICAL component of FCRA compliance. They are time-consuming, thankless, and often done incorrectly…which puts your organization at significant risk. Automate adverse action letters to...

Criminal Background Checks and the FCRA
Criminal background checks are vital, if not essential, to the hiring process. Sometimes you get a “hardened criminal” with a rap sheet a mile long, and sometimes you get a harmless, quirky rule breaker. Case in point: Employer ordered a background check and...

Salary History Requests are a Thing of the Past
Want to know the salary history of your candidates? If you live in certain states, you might be out of luck. In fact, California doesn’t allow employers to make requests for an applicant's salary history, and you can’t even use this information if the...

Screening Out Bad Candidates
Ever wonder why background checks are important? Background checks help with screening out bad candidates. Some employers think they are a hassle, not worth the money; but what if you could weed out a potential employee who recently cost another business...
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